How much will each ton cost me?

Quickly convert the hourly rate for hauling into the rate per ton or cubic yard. With just a handful of inputs like truck capacity and drive time, you’ll be able to analyze bids or submit your own with confidence.

Tell us how many rounds per day each truck will make and you’ll get a good idea of that truck’s gross revenue as well.

For example, if you hired a truck at $115/hour, it takes 90 minutes each way to get from point A to point B, each truck can be loaded and can dump in five minutes on each end, each truck can carry 25 tons, and each truck costs $45 in tolls each way, you’ll know that it costs $16.37 to move each ton of material. If each truck can make three round trips, that truck’s gross revenue is $1,227.50 each day.

Truck Rate Calculator